Hall of Fame Members

Drew Adair
Inducted in 2009
Drew Adair is the founder of our club.

Michael Schmidt
Inducted in 2009.
Joined the team in May of 1991. First tournament was October 1991 in Atlanta. It was there where the idea of IGLFA was discussed, and it was created the following year, 1992, in NYC. Michael and Bob Murphy were at the meeting in NYC when bylaws were adopted.

Micahael LaMole
Inducted in 2009

Michael Marsico
Inducted in 2009

Emilia Rastick
Inducted in 2009

Walter Beck
Inducted in 2010

Keith Zebrowski
Inducted in 2010

Soheila Nickpour
Inducted in 2010

Bob Murphey
Inducted in 2011

Stephen Connolly
Inducted in 2011

Raed Nasser
Inducted in 2012

Eli Fargione
Inducted in 2012

Peter Cardie
Inducted in 2013

Janine Remillard
Inducted in 2013

Lee Laroco
Inducted in 2014

Kelly Collings
Inducted in 2014

Pepe Jimenez
Inducted in 2015

Elisabeth Flynn
Inducted in 2015

Ed Argothy
Inducted in 2016

Monika Kruemmling
Inducted in 2016

Tom Ciolko
Inducted in 2017

Robert Breining
Inducted in 2017

Juliana Rogenski
Inducted in 2018

Kharina Rogenski
Inducted in 2018

Jacqueline Watson
Inducted in 2019

Crossley Simmons
Inducted in 2019

Yunio Martinez
Inducted in 2023

Craig Carty
Inducted in 2023

Jenny Marmiom
Inducted in 2023

Sam Korn
Inducted in 2023

Greg Seaney
Inducted in 2023